Wednesday, August 2, 2006

First Post

I've thought about getting into blogging for quite some time... and as usual - procrastination presides...

Then, this morning, I read words that I keep repeating myself "The primary job of a leader is to communicate" and that "Blogs may end up being the primary communciation / expression media in the future" and the decision was made. (Incidentally, the first quote was from the CEO of Sun as per the newspaper report).

One of the things that I'll endeavor to do is to post a new thought/ something that I learnt on a daily (or as close to daily as possible) basis.

What I expect others to do is join the discussion, debate and find the freedom to express their thoughts. Anyone can post !

So... welcome and please fasten your seatbelts (I for one, intend to clean my spectacles as a start).

What did I learn today ?
- A russian mathematician called Parelman has figured out the mathematical conjecture called Poincare Conjecture - in simple terms : you can squeeze a ball in the middle but not a doughnut - wow ! that really makes sense :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ravi,

    Thats a cool one. Read it a couple of times to get what it meant. Coming to my learning not today but yesterday, when there is a problem put to you DO NOT jump to arrive at a solution immediately.

