Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nominating and Voting for the most corrupt in Indian Politics

A team under the name "Mango Man" ie Aam Aadmi is running this poll.
I like the concept as it continues on my previous post where I think it is time we started the IgNoble series of awards.
Also, the timing seems right as I'm given to understand that next week (Dec 8) is World Anti Corruption day and some folks are planning a march on Saturday Dec 11 in Bangalore.

Do you think that the "Aam Aadmi" is now too jaded to participate in these "marches" ? Or, is there still hope in a democratic process ?

Please do go in and post your opinion on the following FB page(s)


Friday, November 19, 2010

World / International XXXXX day : Multiple choices ? How about world corruption day ?

For those of you who've missed it. Today ie. Nov 19 is World TOILET day as also International Mens Day !!!
I wonder if it is just a coincidence that both these are on the same day ? Maybe it was carefully chosen - just to enable a discussion point for all the conspiracy theorists ?

On a more thoughtful note... I wonder is there is method to this process or more importantly, given the web / social access in today's world, we can come up with a voting mechanism that'll allow us to choose / publicize and adopt these "world / international" days.

Also, I think, it is time we started to create a set of days where we follow the IgNoble principle

As an example, we should have a WORLD CORRUPTION DAY (esp. in the current Indian context) where we publicly recognize and AWARD those who've EXCELLED in the area of Corruption ?

I'm sure there will be a series of nominations and a voting process where we'll discover some real gems ?

Maybe this model of recognizing individuals will provide the necessary social impetus for individuals to squirm and detest ?