Thursday, October 21, 2010

Karnataka - The new Bihar ?

We Indians have a tendency to generalize. About a decade ago, you could see NO development report published where the words "BIMARU" did not appear in the first few paragraphs somewhere. Bihar, as the leading member of the BIMARU states, would be the poster-state for all that seemed wrong in Indian politics.
Later, the antics of Lalu and kin(s) would trigger sniggers in the social sector.
Even elsewhere in the south, there were frequent debates on the efficacy of political rules with regional specialties.... eg. Amma's rule by sycophancy, Kerala's red brigade etc. Karnataka, seemed relatively staid in comparison.   

I guess that was just storm about to break ?

For the last few weeks, I've been agonizing over the new "titles" bequeathed to this state....
Outlook carries a coverpage that screams "Most corrupt state of India ?"
Elsewhere, there are are vivid pictures of our politicians baring their chests a la Salman and that too in the house ?
The numbers being brought out for each MP shames the animal world with comparison to "horse trading".

So much so, there was even a quote by the respected Lok Ayukta (uncharacteristically, Karnataka is one of the few states where this post seems to be making a mark) Justice Santosh Hegde that he has seen a steady degradation from government to government ? Each new one is more corrupt than the last ?

Where does this leave me/us as self respecting local citizens ?
Fuming internally is only a short term option and I'm sure that one day the very same politicians will be made to pay ?

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I don't see that "one day" happening soon. As a society, we are very "forgiving" and this, like so many other political shenanigans, will pass even from our memory soon. The CWG IT crack-down is the very first time I've seen any Govt. in India take real action - I don't know if that will continue or cause real impact.
    Re: the Lokayukta, one must recognize that our Legislators are legally "above" his grasp, so they're not about to be worried!
    Look forward to more of your writing, Ravi!
