Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our most forgotten question : Why ?

Curiosity is a trait that we see diminishing when people grow up and we talk about them getting "wiser" ?

Whenever I talk to a child, I'm struck by the number of times I'm asked "why ?"
I'm also struck at the number of times I'm NOT asked "why ?" by an adult !

How I wish we could all magically retain our ability to ask "why ?". To me, this is the most important question that needs to be asked and it needs to be asked first. Inatech is a company that does business consulting and it takes us a LOT of time to convince our own employees to ask this question. Unfortunately, either the Indian education system or the society has converted all the "whys ?" to "whats ?"

It is hard work to get an individual to ask the customer "Why do you need this process ?" instead of "What do you need done in this process ?" - thereby, missing the whole point of "NEED" ?

Maybe it is due to our education system that encourages learning by "rote". I do remember one of my own science teacher who said - "You do not need to know that to pass your exam" as a response to my question. (incidentally, ever since, She's lost all respect from the child in me)

Or, is it due to the societal pressure of accepting what is said by "elders" and not to "question elders ?". I can almost visualize the conversation - a child asking a parent "why is the sky blue" and the parent replying "Because, it is so" and adding almost casually "don't waste time asking obvious questions".

How many of the "elders" have the maturity to accept that he / she does not know and takes the effort to go and look up "Rayleigh scattering" or just "Why is the sky blue" in google / or an encyclopedia ?

Or, maybe we can also blame this on our famous Indian "fate" and quote like Lord Tennyson : "Ours is not to reason why, ours but to do and die" :-(

Monday, May 26, 2008

Handing work over to others : Whom would you choose

Following on my adage bit... I've always held the belief that when you want work done, do not pass it onto someone who has nothing to do, instead, pass is to the busiest chap with a hint that he/she can use the other resources as they deem fit.

The reason is simple. A person who has no work is in such a position for either one of the following reasons
a) The person has no initiative and needs to be told what to do
b) Everyone else thinks that it is a waste of time to get things done out of this individual (and in most cases, they'd rather do it themselves)

Both of these are fundamental issues with either attitude or approach and are not to do with expertise. Expertise is the easiest of the problems to solve, while people use that as an excuse. Ie. you will hear often that someone does not have either the skill or the expertise to do a particular job. While this is true for specific skill based execution, it has no relevance in "getting the job done"

Maybe I'm rambling ?

Net net, you will still me making a beeline to the person who is fully loaded ...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Beach Economy Theory - views expressed in private until now

I have been traveling the last few weeks and hence no recent posts : Well, in reality, that is an excuse.

During the trip, one of the bits that was discussed was my series of "one line adages" - I was then asked as to why I've not posted these onto my own blog - so, here goes .... the first one is an opinion that I've held for over 15 years....

The theory is what I call the "Beach Economy". In this, I theorize that NO economy (other than hospitality industry based) can flourish near good sandy beach towns.

I could state a few examples. In India, I would list : Goa, Trivandrum the good beaches of Orissa etc. The reason is something that I've learnt first hand in Goa.

In Goa, I learnt that an individuals' life ambition / goal is to own a beach front shack that is a combination of beach bar / restaurant. I always felt that while this was an interesting goal - it did not seem to be very ambitious ?

Over the years, whenever I've visited a famous beach, I tend to notice that the complete economy has high migrant population, very few industries and almost the complete economy is based on hotels / tourism and in general hospitality. No major educational institutions, no industries (even high tech) etc.

Would like to know if this is just a statistical occurance or something that is much deeper ? Especially from people who can list proof :-)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Akshaya Tadige : Why is it such a big deal ?

I'm sure there is NOT a single person in Bangalore (beyond the age of 6 years atleast) who has not figured out that yesterday was Akshaya Tritiya. I mean, how can people miss this grand event of the year ? TOI carried a very "glossy" addendum that listed the superlative products and excellent "offers" and reasons as to why EVERY SINGLE person in the world had to rush off and buy GOLD!!

What a marketing driven feeding frenzy !

I'm sure if we had someone with a Rip Van Winkle syndrome wake up today, they'd be distraught that they've missed the greatest opportunity and good fortune this year.

Seriously, as an youngster, I did know of Akshaya Tadige (in Kannada, it is Tadige not Tritya - but that is just semantics). Did I pay any attention ? Not at all !!.
Not only did I NOT pay any attention, I do not remember ANYONE paying attention.

Nobody offered special discounts on Gold coins (Infact, there no coins sold and no ads put up)
Nobody listed out the reasons that made buying gold on this day
No shop put up a pandal (makeshift tent) in front to seat the enthusiastic shopper and then fed them glasses of fruit juice, snacks etc.
Nobody put up hoardings that said "We are extending shopping hours for the convienience of our esteemed shopper" (like I care !)
No special editions on paper
No "exhibitions" of the latest design

Is this the consumerism that I had been warned about when discussing the American Consumption ?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bangalore - Not yet ready for buildings higher / taller than 50 feet ?

My apartment complex is in the process of getting a new coat of paint. Given, that I live in the top floor of an eight floored building, I find it extremely stressful watching the process / progress. The prime reason is that I see individuals dangling on un-anchored / manually anchored ropes without a safety harness ?

Why is it that we allow for infrastructure to be created without necessary maintainence features built into the system. This is not just buildings - it is also the corresponding infrastructure with the support services / emergency services like the fire department.

We, in Inatech were unfortunate to witness a fire accident and the main reason why we could NOT contain the fire was the level of smoke in the floor that had fire (airconditioned and hence in some ways sealed !).

There were several fire extinguishers spread around the office - but, there were not reachable to be of any use ?

Now, you'd expect that the fire department has the necessary equipment ? My own experience has been a sorry state.
- The "standard" fire engine does not have retractable ladder that can extend beyond 3rd floor
- The "standard" engine crew carry ONE smoke mask. More importantly, this does NOT come with a flashlight fixed on top of the helmet which means that the fireman is expected to carry a flashlight / torch in one hand and the hose in the other
- The "standard" fire mask (lone one) is not oxygen supported, but is of the active filter kind.

I'm sure I can write a lot more of the deficiencies, but, that is not the point.

None of the infrastructure that is coming up seems designed to handle this.
How do we as individuals / citizens ensure that there is enough protection ?